vendredi 16 décembre 2016

mrs. Nolan

Ms. Nolan welcomes us to the CDI so that we can ask her some questions.Ms. Nolan welcomes us to the CDI so that we can ask her some questions.

1) Quelle est votre nationalité ?
- Je suis britannique et française.

2) How long have you been teaching? 
  -i have been teaching for about 30 years .
3) Are you going home?
- no not exactly
4) How do you get students to learn English? 
- I decide what I want to teach, I prepare a sequence and then I introduce the subject and the students do activities to learn. At the end of the sequence there is an evaluation to check. I try to make learning fun.
5) How many hours do you work in college?  
 - I am part-time, I give 10 hours of classes per week. 
6) Do you have another job? 
 "No, I have no other work." 
7) Or did you have another job before becoming a teacher? 
- Yes before I was a teacher in England and then I was sent to Africa to train teachers. I was also a translator. 

9) And finally how do you find your colleagues?

- I find my colleagues super friendly.
Now you know a little more about Mrs. Nolan!
Dame Pasty Loup & Roussel Louanne (6°3)
translated by wesley in 5°3

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